How to tame a cockatiel: Amazing ways you need

how to tame a cockatiel

How to tame a cockatiel: Amazing ways you need by If you’ve made the decision to bring a cockatiel home, you probably have some questions about how to train them. In addition, everyone wants a pet they can spend time with and develop strong bonds with.

How to tame a cockatiel? Allow your Cockatiel some time to adjust to the sounds, scents, and sights of their home environment initially. You spend time talking to your bird after it has settled in so that they can get used to your voice. In the end, you take measures to win your Cockatiel’s trust when it comes to physical contact and holding.

Safe, Calm Environment – How to tame a cockatiel

Giving your Cockatiel a secure environment is the first step towards taming it. Give your bird a few days to settle in and take everything in when you first bring it home, without putting too much pressure on it to be held or engage in physical contact.

It can be intimidating and stressful to put your new Cockatiel’s cage in the busiest room of the house. Finding a room with regular, calm traffic is your best bet. A location where your bird can observe you and its loved ones without being bothered by loud music or raucous conversations. It’s way how to tame a cockatiel.

Safe, Calm Environment - How to tame a cockatiel
Safe, Calm Environment – How to tame a cockatiel

Frequent Talking

When you are close to your cockatiel’s cage, speak to them in a soothing voice. Your bird doesn’t care what you talk about! It may be as straightforward as describing the space they are in, or it might be more involved like reading them your most recent favorite book. Your Cockatiel will learn to identify your voice when you speak to them, which helps develop their trust. Your Cockatiel will send out an alert chirp when it hears your voice for the first time in a while across a room, which is a sign that it is beginning to identify your voice.

Observe Behavioral Changes

It’s one of many ways how to tame a cockatiel. Curiosity will take the lead as your bird begins to feel secure and at home, leading it to spend an increasing amount of time playing with toys and exploring its cage. as your bird takes the time to cross its cage to be close to you as you enter the room, you know you’ve come a long way. These are excellent indications that your bird is prepared to advance in taming.

Observe Behavioral Changes
Observe Behavioral Changes

Progressing To Handling

You can begin the handling phase of taming once your Cockatiel is calm and accustomed to your surroundings and voice. Your Cockatiel needs to learn right away that only wonderful things come from your hand. An occasional treat that my cockatiel loved was a strand of millet that I recently purchased from Amazon. I used this particular brand. This treat was simple to grip and protruded sufficiently from my hand to prevent unintentional pecks to my fingers.

My bird learned to accept my fingers in their cage rather than flee or attempt to push my hand away by biting or flapping by letting him associate my hand with rewards and other pleasant things. The want to reach into your bird’s cage and put your hand in front of them is strong.

Progressing To Holding

Progressing To Holding – how to tame a cockatiel. The majority of new bird owners look forward to this next phase the most. You get to hold your bird in your hands! A bird cannot be held the same way as other common home pets, such as guinea pigs. We don’t want to put our hands on our cockatiels’ bodies.

Our hands may make our birds feel entrapped, which can make newly tamed birds panic. Instead, extend your index finger straight out (two fingers, index and middle, work as well, if preferred), then move it slowly and steadily in the direction of your bird.

The side of your finger should be pointing in the direction of the bird’s chest.

Avoid sticking your finger into your bird.

Your bird should be fairly accustomed to seeing your hand if you have recently given it goodies and kept your hand in its cage.

If your Cockatiel doesn’t flee in terror or make an aggressive attempt to peck at your finger, it is safe to assume that it is content.

Time Outside The Cage

Time Outside The Cage is one of many ways how to tame a cockatiel You can start working on handling your bird outside of its cage after it can step on and off your finger with ease.

Move your hand carefully toward the cage entrance while your bird steps on your finger. Watch out for obstructions in your path to the cage entrance.

As you leave the cage, be careful not to knock your bird into any perches, toys, or bars. Time Outside The Cage – how to tame a cockatiel.

Time Outside The Cage
Time Outside The Cage

Take Taming In Your Own Direction

The rest of your Cockatiel’s training and taming is up to you after this point. Many owners like just relaxing while holding their bird on their finger. Others train their cockatiel to fly between their hands by alternately placing their fingers in front of the bird’s chest. How to tame a cockatiel really easy.

It’s possible that if you sit with your bird, it will climb up your arm to rest on your shoulder or rub its head against your cheek as it gets used to you. The amount of enjoyment you can have with a bird that is held regularly over time actually has no upper limit. hope you will collect useful and necessary knowledge through the above article: How to tame a cockatiel: Amazing ways you need


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